At Alara-Lukagro, we call ourselves a specialist in sound- and noise control solutions, but herewith we sell ourselves short with regard to our doors. Now, more than ever, our doors are in high demand because of the fire resistant properties that we had fully tested by independent organisations, also called NoBos.
NoBo (Notified Body)
A NoBo (Notified Body) is an independent organisation, appointed by the government, that is licensed to execute fire tests under supervision of the Board of Accreditation. The results of these tests are divided into a fire class conform the classification norm EN13501-1 (material behaviour in case of fire) or EN13501-2 (construction behaviour in case of fire), so that one can compare products with each other. This is similar to the division in, for example, A+++ classes for a refrigerator or other domestic appliance.
Fire classes
With respect to fire classes, doors are especially distinguished with regard to fire penetration and heat transfer within a certain amount of time. These fire classes are expressed in a combination of letters and a number.
- E = flame density
- W = radiant energy
- I = insulation (resistance against heat conduction)
So, a door classified as EW60, has been able to resist fire transfer for at least 60 minutes during a fire test. Also, heat radiation at a distance of 1 meter from the test door has stayed low enough not to let the wood ignite spontaneously. This is a requirement often seen in the Netherlands.
Fire classes in use for special escape routes
In case of special escape routes, for example when you have to be able to flee past a closed door, the EI60 norm has to be met. EI means that the surface of the door stays at a low heat level for much longer, so that one can safely flee past it in case of a fire. Within the group of insulating doors, for some markets a division is made between EI1 and EI2, meaning that the temperature of the critical corners of the door has undergone additional measurements.
Fire-resistant doors Alara-Lukagro
The doors of Alara-Lukagro have been tested, and when needed, certified with the CE quality mark to ensure you, as user, optimal protection in case of fire. On top of that, you can enjoy its sound insulating properties on a daily basis.
Important norms fire resistance
- EN1634-1: Fire resistant doors and shutters
- EN1634-3: Resistance at smoke passage
- EN13501-1: Material behaviour in case of fire
- EN13501-2: Construction behaviour in case of fire
- EN16034: Product norm CE marking for fire resistant doors
- EN14351-1: Specific part with regard to exterior doors
Do you have questions about the fire resistance of doors or our fire-resistant doors in particular? Please feel free to contact us for more information.