Renovation of the doors on the Stena Spey offshore platform
Stena Spey is an offshore drilling platform owned by Stena Drilling. The platform was constructed in 1983 and has recently been renovated. Alara-Lukagro was responsible for renovating the doors.

Door renovation
Weatherproof and waterproof doors
Alara-Lukagro renovated and replaced the acoustic doors on the Stena Spey. In total 73 doors were inspected, 40 of which were replaced and 33 were renovated.
The doors were removed from the platform and transported to Alara-Lukagro’s production facility. This is where the majority of the doors were blasted, repaired, adjusted and treated with three-layers of a preserving coating. The other doors were replaced by completely new doors, which Alara-Lukagro engineered and produced. All the doors were manufactured in accordance with the latest offshore regulations and the applicable weatherproof and waterproof requirements.
After being repaired and produced the soundproof doors were installed on the Stena Spey by Alara-Lukagro’s offshore certified technicians.
Very good result
Stena Drilling appeared extremely satisfied with the completed project. In a supplier survey conducted by FPAL, Stena Drilling awarded Alara-Lukagro an average score of 9.3 onĀ 15 different aspects.
FPAL assessment of the renovation of the doors for the Stena Spey offshore platform. Assessment by Mr MacHardy, Project Chief Engineer.
Score: 9.3
Alara-Lukagro was awarded a 9.3 (out of 10) on 15 aspects. The installation, HSE and personnel’s expertise was assessed as being very good. Definitely a result to be proud of!
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