Offshore ventilation system for mud shakers
Alara-Lukagro delivered a sound attenuated ventilation system for shakers on an offshore platform. This offshore ventilation system ensures that harmful vapours are kept out of the room and noise in the shaker room is muted.

Mud shakers
During offshore oil and gas drilling activities mud is used in the borehole to cool the drill head, to bring drill cuttings to the surface or provide counter pressure to the drilled stone to prevent the premature release of oil or gas.
The mud that comes back out is collected and filtered in so-called shakers to be reused. The shakers separate solids from liquids using a vibrating sieve.
Health risks in the mud shaker room
The shakers on offshore platforms need an effective ventilation system to minimise harmful vapours and oil mist from the shakers. High noise levels are often produced in the shaker room. Consequently measures are necessary to create a safe and healthy workplace for offshore employees.
Offshore ventilation system for mud shakers
Alara-Lukagro has supplied several Paragon Drilling and Noble Drilling rigs with new ventilation systems for mud shakers, or an overhaul of existing exhaust systems. These were subject to a turnkey delivery, including on-site (offshore) measurements, design, production and offshore installation. The exhaust systems were fitted with a removable and cleanable dirt filter.
Another advantage of the new exhaust system is that it is fitted with silences. This means noise produced by the external air outlet is reduced by 25 dB(A). As a result the noise level at the air outlet is reduced from 100 dB(A) to an acceptable noise level of 85 dB(A).
Approved and certified solutions
The offshore ventilation system for shaker rooms was designed, produced and installed in accordance with the very latest offshore legislation and standards. All offshore deliveries are certified by, among others, Lloyd’s or DNV.
A rig manager explains
The Noble George Sauvageau rig manager recounts his experience with the ventilation system.
“Tijdens de ontwikkeling van het ventilatiesysteem en de eerste metingen vond ik de engineers van Alara-Lukagro pro-actief, toegankelijk en duidelijk over de uitleg van de mogelijkheden die zij konden bieden. In onderling overleg is besloten over de optimale uitvoering van het offshore ventilatiesysteem voor ons rig. Na installatie was ook de crew zeer positief over het functioneren van het ventilatiesysteem en het gemakkelijke onderhoud.”
Rig Manager – Noble George Sauvageau
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