Whether you operate in the machine construction, process engineering, maritime or construction sector. Every company has to deal with suppliers. Sometimes the products they deliver have a major impact on your project. When a supplier provides a good performance it means that part of your project can be implemented seamlessly. You can then rest assured that your client will be satisfied with that particular aspect of the project. This certainty is a good thing. Especially when you outsource certain elements and have to rely on others’ work.

But how do you obtain this certainty? As a supplier of noise control solutions we have acquired a great deal of experience with the following questions: “Do you know what you’re doing?”, ‘Can you guarantee it will work?”, “Will it do what you say it will?”. These are all questions we have faced, and rightly so. Companies place immense responsibility in us. And the consequences of certain decisions can be weighty. Therefore we have diverse ways of providing certainty.
Certainty provided by simulation
Extensive references from other users, years of experience and advanced manufacturing methods all offer a degree of certainty. Another tool we use to provide certainty is simulation. The simulation used to determine strength provides an answer to the question of whether the construction can withstand certain forces, such as wind load and weight. Another tool for simulating liquids and gases answers questions related to ventilation and air, heat and gas circulation. The so-called FEM (Finite Element Method) and CFD (Computional Fluid Dynamics) simulation provide certainty because they visualise what an installation does when operating. It guarantees that a particular solution works. It provides answers to complex issues and provides certainty with regard to outcomes. Simulation represents a great tool for providing certainty.
The advantage of in-house simulation
We deliberately opted to acquire in-house knowledge of this tool. As a result we possess highly specific simulation knowledge focused on achieving the solutions we supply. Consequently we are able to devise even better solutions. In addition it offers the advantage that lines remain short. The simulation specialist literally sits next to the engineer and project manager. This ensures optimal communication.
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