
Certified for producing fire doors with CE marking

Alara-Lukagro is the first manufacturer in the Netherlands certified by Efectis for producing fire-resistant doors with CE marking.  From 1 November 2019 onwards, all fire doors must comply with the uniform European regulations, Alara-Lukagro already meets this requirement now.

Alara-Lukagro fire doors

The doors of Alara-Lukagro are available as single and double-leaf doors in 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes fire resistance. The fire-resistant properties can be combined with sound-insulating and burglar-resistant properties and the doors can be used for emergency exits or escape routes.

CE label

In order to be able to use the CE label, extensive product testing is necessary. In addition, all components such as door ironmongery, hinges and windows have been tested individually to be used in a CE-certified, fire-resistant door.

The criteria to be met is based on a combination of the strictest criteria in Europe. In this way, as much knowledge as possible about risks in fire safety is linked in a single certificate. Ultimately this also benefits general fire safety.

You want to build safely? Then comply now with the rules of tomorrow and opt for absolute security by means of CE-certified fire doors from Alara-Lukagro!

More information about our soundproof doors.

Certified for producing fire doors with CE marking
Michel Mostert Marketing Specialist +31 (0)184 661 700